Sunday, October 17, 2010

Halloween Read-a-thon

I know I'm really late posting this, but better late than never.  I've been reading off and on the last couple of days, in-between cleaning the apartment for company.

What I'm reading for the read-a-thon:

I keep going back and forth between the two.  I know that Lost Hero doesn't quite fit the theme (though they do have magical powers, so its sorta supernatural.  More importantly I'm addicted to it, so I find it impossible to put down for long).

YA Addict has a mini-challenge for this read-a-thon asking what your spookiest read is. 

It's not a ghost story or anything like that, but the tale of an ebola outbreak and seriously creepy.

Oh My Books has a mini-challenge for this read-a-thon asking you to show what you are going to dress as for Halloween.  I'm not completely sure I'll be dressing up as of yet, but if I do I am going to be wearing my Witch Hunter Robin costume, because I adore the whole look...especially her duster jacket.  I sadly don't have any pictures of me in the outfit or the actually outfit, but here is a picture of the character I'm talking about. (the girl in the center is Robin).

Vampires and Tofu asked for you to give the first sentance of the creapiest book you own (sadly I do not own The Hot Zone I chose a different book for this one).  Even though they didn't ask you to post it on your blog, I thought it would be fun to post it with the rest of my mini-challenge answers.
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury: First of all, it was October, a rare month for boys.

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